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10 Reasons you should forgive yourself.

Reason 8

Your own physical health will be at stake.

Medical research shows unforgiveness literally hurts your heart, which in turn, affects your entire body. Holding grudges, unforgiveness, anger, or bitterness leads to many health issues, such as high blood pressure, heart disease, breast cancer and other ailments. Anger and rage builds up within our emotions and we fly off the handle at any little thing that goes against our grain.

I don’t want you to think that if you are already experiencing some of these conditions, this is the reason. But with some people, this could be the case. If you are holding all of this anger against yourself, it then becomes double trouble for your body. The Mayo Clinic Staff advises, “If you don’t practice forgiveness, you will be the one who pays most dearly.” By embracing forgiveness, you also embrace peace, hope, gratitude, and joy. Consider how forgiveness will lead you down the path to physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

Forgiveness is unique and gives depth to the kingdom of God because everything within us says “no.” God is calling us to “grow-up” as His children and do this. Don’t wait for them to be sorry. Don’t wait for things to be fair. Fairness does not live here, but Jesus does! Step up and be the one who is a true Christian and live in total freedom. Live with a healthy heart, a healthy mind and healthy emotions!

Susan Bolinger - Bloom Ladies Ministry

Bloom - A Process to Achieve Complete Forgiveness

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10 Reasons you should forgive yourself.

Reason 7

It enables you to fulfill ALL God has for you.

Perfect love keeps no record of wrong doings. When Jesus Christ forgives you of a sin, it’s gone! Nothing... not one thing remains. When we have forgiven someone for an indiscretion, we no longer bring up that incident, we do not dwell on it, because it is forgiven. We must do the same with ourselves. When the Lord forgives you — don’t ever bring it up again because He doesn’t remember it. It’s not that He can’t remember it, He CHOOSES not to remember it and you need to do the same. If someone else reminds you of your past, “don’t receive it” and if they are throwing it in your face, then REBUKE them! That is Satan working through them.

The reason to leave the past in the past is exactly the same reason for it’s name… it’s the PAST! You’re are at a point where you need to build yourself up in the Lord by reading His Word daily. The gifts and callings the Lord placed on your life will “always remain in place”. They will always belong to YOU. No one else can do your ministry. No one else can have your purpose or your promises. What is yours, is yours. You are one of a kind. You are now free to become what God intended for your life and to fulfill the purpose for which you were created. What an amazing feeling! Don’t allow a single person to stop you from fulfilling your God-given purpose, for you will find a level of happiness and true contentment when you are being obedient to His call.

Susan Bolinger - Bloom Ladies Ministry

Bloom - A Process to Achieve Complete Forgiveness

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10 Reasons you should forgive yourself.

Reason 6

You will be happier, and others will like you more. When you are consumed with guilt, you are more abrasive with others, and you will drive family and friends away. Proverbs 18:24, “A man that hath friends must shew himself friendly: and there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother.” Forgiving yourself frees you to like yourself. Your attitude towards yourself will improve as well as toward others.

Having guilt, regret and condemnation off our shoulders releases us to be free. Freedom to “be and do” whatever the Lord asks of me puts a smile on my face and my future feels bright and hopeful. I feel good inside and I finally have some contentment in my heart and that makes me a happier person.

Susan Bolinger - Bloom Ladies Ministry

Bloom - A Process to Achieve Complete Forgiveness

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